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You are here » Autodroid Software Development Forum » Tablet installation into dashboard » APP keeps on launching even when not in reverse

APP keeps on launching even when not in reverse

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thank you first of all for the app. I have it working however it seems to come on at seemingly random times. It always launches when the tablet comes on and then it will turn itself on and off as if it's getting a signal from the camera. When it pops up if I put the car in reverse the signal displays correctly. Do i need the relay?  Why is the app detecting the stick randomly? Are there some settings I can change to adjust when it launches?

It also seems to not always launch when the car is in reverse. If an app is already running e.g. spotify it won't launch over the top of that app.

Thanks for your help



I am gettting the same issue after updating to 1.15.

Are there specific settings that need to be used to keep the software from randomly popping up?



I installed the relay as described on the other forum post and it's working as it should now.


You are here » Autodroid Software Development Forum » Tablet installation into dashboard » APP keeps on launching even when not in reverse